Consumer Brand Builders Weekly Posts to End


It was December 2011 when we posted our first article on our site. Since then, we have written and posted over 500 articles on what it takes to sell a real, hold-it-in-your-hand product. We have covered a comprehensive set of subjects from logos to labels, from catch phrases to freight, from packaging to pricing, and from distribution to distinguishing yourself from your competition. All was done with the intention of sharing our real world experience with other consumer brand builders.

Save Time and Money

It took us 20 years to build the Barefoot Wine brand. We were outsiders and suffered from many of the same popularly held misconceptions that have wrecked many brands. Our articles demystify the brand building process using our real-world experience. What we share are hard learned lessons generally not taught in school. It is our hope that other consumer brand builders have benefited from our writings and will avoid many of the expensive and time consuming mistakes we have made.

You are Welcome

Many of our readers have thanked us for explaining complex concepts in plain English about branded products and how to sell them. We are happy to know that our insights and strategies have helped so many.

Unglamourous Essentials

Yes, there’s a lot more to branded product success than just a great product in a cool package with an outstanding logo. And yes, those are required and we write at length about them. But what we really focus on is the less glamorous nitty-gritty of the distribution and retail world because that’s where most brands die!

Free Library of Solutions

All of our articles will continue to be available at There you will find a veritable library written by the founders of the world’s largest wine brand. You will find everything you need to have a giant head-start on the competition and save tons in time and money. Enter your topic in the search bar, find your answers, apply them in your business, and get our 20 years of experience selling consumer products on your side!

Build a Blockbuster Brand

We have several clients in the consumer products business. We often pull an appropriate article from our library to help them understand the realities of the market and the strategies to building a brand. Please take advantage of the information and insights found there and build you own block buster product with confidence. We wish you all the best! The world needs your products! Now, let’s get them to the world!
